Sunday, November 25, 2007

Holiday Recipes, Please!

Dear Friends and Family,

I have a project that I am doing with my sisters. We are collecting a whole bunch of holiday favorite recipes. I am asking if you would be willing to share some of your family tradition favorite recipes. I am compiling them, to give away as gifts to family members, and friends. If you have any to share, please email them to me or put in the comment section. 1 or more is great. I would really like to see what you all like for the Holidays!
Cookies, cakes, bars, balls, main dishes, snacks, breakfast,etc. Please share anything that is your family favorites for the holidays.

Please put them in the comment section of the posting, or email them to me!

Perennial Pioneer

1 comment:

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

What a beautiful and yummy idea! I just found your blog through "Domestic Felicity" and it's lovely. :o)

Here's a delicious breakfast recipe for any day of the year but especially on holiday mornings!

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