Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Fellowship of the Unashamed!

This is something that puts me to shame. Am I part of this Fellowship? That is for the Lord to judge!
The Fellowship of the Unashamed

The Dye has been cast.
The decision has been made.
I have stepped over the line.
I won’t look back, let up, slow down, or back away.
My past is redeemed,
my presence makes sense,
my future is secure.
I’m finished and done with low living,
sight walking,small planning,
smooth knees, colorless dreams,
tamed visions,mundane talking, cheap giving, and dwarfed goals.
I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity.
I don’t have to be right,
first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded or rewarded.
I now live by faith, lean on His presence,
walk with patience, live by prayer,
and labor with power.
My face is set, my gait is fast,
my goal is Heaven, my road is narrow,
my way is rough, my companions are few,
My Guide is reliable, my mission is clear.
I cannot be bought,
compromised, detoured,
lured away, turned back,
deluded, or delayed.
I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice,
hesitate in the presence of the adversary,
negotiate at the table of the enemy,
ponder at the pool of popularity,
or meander in the maze of mediocrity.
I won’t give up, shut up, or let up
until I have stayed up, stored up,
prayed up, paid up, spoken up,
for the cause of Christ.
I am a disciple of Christ.
I must go ‘til He comes,
give ‘til I drop,
preach ‘til all will know,
and work ‘til He stops me.
And when HE comes for His own, He will have no trouble recognizing me.
My banner will be clear:
That is called sacrifice! Many of us are too proud to do this, and not be part of the "in" thing. So, let us do what He tells us, and we will become the Fellowship of the Unashamed!
Perennial Pioneer


Robert said...

Yes, The Fellowship of the Unashamed is what we should be aiming for.

I saw your comment on Maidens of Worth on smoothies and was wondering if you could give the measurements of the items as yours sounds good.Thank you.

Miriam N. said...

Yay! I want to be a part of the Fellowship of the Unashamed!

Laura H. said...

I take one frozen banana, and put it in the bottom of the blender. Then I take a cup of Odwalla Superfood drink, and pour it in next. I take a tablespoon of flax oil, and then water enough to cover the bananas, perhaps a little more. Then take a heaping spoon of green stuff, and put it in. I add a raw egg, for an optional, full meal, option. It is really good, but be sure to add plenty of bananas for taste!It is really good!
Perennial Pioneer

Anna Naomi said...

At Christian Training Centers International, where I went the last two summers for a program called Heroes of Today, the staff did a presentation reciting this. It's very powerful!

Show me Thy Ways!

Show me Thy Ways!
A Source of Joy