Friday, August 24, 2007

Blogging Break!

For the month of September, I am taking a blogging break. I need to prepare for school, and such. So I will not be writing for September, but I will look in on you all, and see what you have been writing! I hope to start up again, in October. I will be accessable through my email, but I need the break, from all of my blogs!
I will write you about my first days, after the last Day of September! I need this break, for I am getting emotional about school, and household things! So, taking a break is going to be good for me! Please pray for me, as I continue to work and prepare for school! I am scared!
Have a great week, and a month of September! I will post once in a great while, maybe a quicky on Hines Family Homestead, about Gabriel and such, but that is about it! And I look forward to reading your articles and such!
If any of you have questions about joining Mayden Fair, contact me or any number of the maydens writing, and they will tell me. I will send an invite, and leave it up to you! We would love to have you! Email me at:
In Christ Alone!
Laura H.

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